Monday, 3 March 2014

Ramble on Monday; is Society Ruining us?

So after thinking for a while, I've decided to split my week posts into themes.

Friday ; Beauty related
Monday; Ramble on.
Wednesday ; Pictures of my life once a week, every week, for a year.

I feel like this way, my blog isn't just focused on one specific thing. idk.. it just sounds better to me haha.

The Ramble on posts, won't be rambles per say , but more or less could be considered as rambles, since I'm giving my opinion? lol.. I'd like to think of them more of, my life experiences, or something I've learnt.

This week : is society ruining us?

Yesterday , i heard the song "Wing$" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, and if you haven't , have a listen here

This song is so deep! and its what i actually love about Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' music. There's always such an amazing meaning behind the lyrics.

Well, getting into this song, it did make me think..

is it really true that we sometimes would do anything to get something society is promoting , just to be "cool" ?

is owning a super expensive bag (or shoes in this song) going to make us "cool" ?

of course not! but .. see the thing is , society plants it in us that it is! and wether you deny it or not , how many times have you bought something quite expensive for your budget , just because the other kids at school had it or because if you had it you were suddenly the cool one.

we ALL have been through a point in our lives, where we didn't realise, that we didn't need fancy shoes, or a fancy lunchbox, or the latest skateboard, to fit in and be liked.

i mean , some of us are sadly still thinking its the way to gain people's friendships.. we seem to forget about the emotions involved in making friends. like , being nice, or being friendly, or even being helpful. we seem to forget that people aren't defined by what they wear, or where they live or what they drive. People are defined by being them.

Heck, I used to be one of those people, sucked into all that.

I'm not saying if you buy a fancy bag, or a pair of shoes, or drive a good car, you're doing it to be cool.

No.. I'm talking about the things we buy FOR THAT PURPOSE. and i know, no one is going to admit to this, but think it through inside, even as a child, I'm pretty sure, we've ALL been sucked into it.

if you see a bag, and you've saved up , or can afford it, go for it! I'm not to say where to spend your money. but , I'm trying to get across that, we don't need to impress people with materials. we impress them with being ourselves.

"We want what we can't have, commodity makes us want it
So expensive, damn, I just got to flaunt it
Got to show 'em, so exclusive, this that new shit
A hundred dollars for a pair of shoes I would never hoop in
Look at me, look at me, I'm a cool kid
I'm an individual, yeah, but I'm part of a movement
My movement told me be a consumer and I consumed it"

-Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, from "Wing$"

Let me know your thoughts , in the comments below :)

-Sarah xxx

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