Saturday, 24 May 2014

What's in my bag & Review ; Longchamp Le Pliage

Hello lovelies, 

i know i've been away from blogging lately, forgive me.

I have been looking for a good enough bag for university , for so long ,and after reading endless reviews on this one, i decided i would finally take that plunge.

what i actually keep inside everyday:

(keep in mind i moved everything from their pouches just so you can see, if you want me to do a how i organise a huge tote , let me know :) )

It's definitely a versatile one, i love it so much and honestly its insane how big it is! (its the large with long handles)

I can fit my 13' macbook pro without any hassle plus some A4 sized notebooks/books to go along.

My main concern about the bag was, are the straps going to snap off if i put too much weight inside?

rest assured , from my 2 weeks of experience with this baby and my laptop... its doing brilliant so far.

it doesn't even leave any marks or anything. 

I do however feel like its sometimes TOO big , especially when i just feel like carrying it to the mall ..

those are the days i question if getting the medium sized one would have been a better choice. let me know what you think?

I'm happy with this one.. when i weighed out its advantages over the medium , i found that
1. you can use it for more stuff (travel, beach,college)
2. you can basically fit your life in it! (gym clothes & school books)
3. if i got the medium and put everything minus books in it, it would probably look overstuffed.

All this being said though, this is my first ever long champ.. and i think i already know i will probably invest in more. i know its nylon but its just so nice to carry i love love love itttttt

also, i would PROBABLY go for a medium (considering i have a large) idk yet though. we shall see!

Sarah xxx

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