Wednesday, 22 January 2014

"Photos of my life, once a week, every week"

 So , I'm going to be starting something new, where I'm going to post about 2-5 pictures about my week in summary , every week for the whole of 2014.

i got this idea from bluebird, a blogger, check her out here. Though, she does a portrait of her kids..
and well as I'm 20 .. i figured it would be a smart way to kind of blog my journey through 2014, you know , to look back at , kind of like a scrapbook?

As i've already missed 2 weeks (the year started on a wednesday, so that will be a week)

instead of making the year 52weeks of photos, we'll just excuse me, and make them 50.

I'd love for you reading this, to  start as well! it'd be quite fun i think!

so link me your blogs in the comments if you are!

Week 1/50

  1. Walked to this beautiful area, it literally is as pretty as it looks!
  2. Took a walk in nature. it was so lovely
  3. I went to a club for the first time in my life! it was cooool.
  4. Visited cardiff
  5. and more cardiff
  6. and more more cardiff. ITS SO PRETTY.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a lovely idea! Lovely photos, I'd loved to visit Cardiff!

    I have a new post up about Valentines gifts, would love it if you could check it out :)

