Saturday, 11 January 2014

HUGE Haul!

Well , it's finally about time i don't one of those again!

As i'm on vacation, i kind of shopped a lot .. oops..

weirdly though, i haven't exactly been in the mood for clothes shopping , so most of the stuff are accessories or bits and pieces. Mostly though, i think i got my little sister a lot of gifts!

So , first off... Primark! it was my first time entering a primark, and honestly.. not as impressed as i thought i'd be! but hey, found a few cute things!

Lush. i was SO SURPRISED that lush here is LITERALLY half price cheaper than back home! plus over here i get my VAT back! so thats 20% off my bill! HOW CHEAP... i'll most certainly visit lush before i leave for some bath bombs, so i'll have a proper haul and review on the things I've used soon!

The Union Jack Mug & Gold chain necklace were from BHS.

Hair ties: Primark

These are literally all for my younger sister :)

 Sticky notes book , 2 Children Stories & Stickers : Random bookstore on the road

Babylips : Tesco

Nailarts: Primark

Teen beach movie Calendar & DVD: HMV

THEN AH THE MOST EXCITING! I got my grades and as a reward to myself i decided .. LET ME PIERCE MY EAR! so eeee i got a second piercing and i LOVE it!

honestly, it didn't hurt at all , which was so surprising.. like even now, i honestly totally forget i got it done! i got it done at claires.. it was quite pricey being 30 Pounds, but honestly.. i was too scared to do it at the body art store next door oops.

Of you're too scared to get it done, honestly , GO FOR IT! IT REALLY DOESN'T HURT AT ALL AND AH I LOVE IT!

Next thing i decided to treat myself with, is this super pretty Ted Baker wash bag. i love it! and it came in the cutest packaging box , because i ordered it online.

This is the "KACE wash bag" if you were wondering :)

I don't usually buy more expensive makeup.. but the lady in the shop tried this on me and I LOVED IT! if you'd like a review.. be sure to keep checking! i'll have that up as soon as i've worn this bad boy for at least a week!

Oh its from benefit :)

Bag & Watch : Dorothy Perkins * 

KeyChain : Accessorize 

Earrings: Claire's

Keychain & Pin : Cancer Research thrift shop!

andddd thats really itttt :D

*Given as a gift by my sister

-Sarah xxx 

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