Sunday, 19 January 2014

Good Food;Happy Me!

We all know , when you're on holiday, you deserve some sort of lovely food!

I know we deserve lovely food everyday. But, honestly, who has the time to make something that looks so delicious and taste as yum everyday?

With college and studying and assignments .. i definitely don't.

But, since i have all the spare time on my hands right now.. i kind of decided to put a bit more effort.

So, on 1 day, this was my breakfast. and yum yum yum is all i can say!

Then one day i went to a cute cupcake store, that i recommend to everyone! 
their website is and you can find all the details there!

It was so vintage inspired. it literally felt like i was 5 and was playing Tea Time honestly.
The shop is quite small but it was so nice and cosy and the cupcake OH GOD. AMAZING.
It was more of the whole feel of the experience as well though. ah! HAVE to pay it a visit again before i leave!

On another day, Mai decided to cook us this lovely plate for lunch
nom nom nom

"I eat to live, not live to eat"

Well i do! but sometimes yum yum !

Sarah xx

Ps: we have reached 40+ followers ! THANK YOU SO MUCH! mucho love xxxx


  1. looks so yummy, got me hungry, even after huge Mexican dinner, haha better not to stare at the pictures for too long

  2. Gorgeous post! I love independent little cafes and those cupcakes look amazing! All this food has made me very hungry haha

    I have a new post about my January Wishlist, would love to hear what you think :)


  3. Hahah, i'm sorry i've made you guys hungry! but thanks for checking out my post :D xx
