Friday, 16 August 2013

Health; a yummy quick healthy breakfast.

I'm not one for having super healthy meals but today morning I felt somehow healthy and decided why not. So I did.

And let me just say it boosted up my energy so much I didn't even know it could so much . 

So if you're like me and not much of a cook but still want that healthy breakfast/brunch here's what you'll need:

Watermelon (or any choice of fruit) 
Turkey( or anything similar )
Tomatoes and Cucumbers
A bagel.

First , I cut out the watermelon into heart shapes using a cutter to make them look pretty really.

Then I scrambled one egg and cooked it

The just sliced up the cheese and turkey and veggies .

Super simple . 

Oh , to finish I added on a cup of orange juice! Yum!


  1. Such a yummy post...I like your pretty blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. thank you , just checked out your blog , loved it !

      just followed you as well :) x

  2. It looks delicious!!Love your blog,I follow you;)

    1. Thanks !
      i just checked out your blog , love it as well , followed you back :) x
