Thursday, 1 August 2013

DIY : Graphic Shirt. CRAZY MOFO.

I've seen so many shirts around that I really had wanted but could never find, so instead of actually going and printing on one for so much money, I decided to paint it ,It was so simple and SO MUCH FUN! here's how ! 

It's also a great say to spice up an old shirt :D

STEP 1: 

Choose the figure/writing you want and either print it out or trace it out ! 

Then using a cutter CAREFULLY ( and very slowly) cut it out so that you can have stencils made! 

Ps: you can just go ahead and buy the stencil you want to use , but I couldn't find any. 

STEP 2 : 

Place a cardboard in between the back and front of the shirt your using just to stabilise the shirt and so that the paint doesn't pass through. 

STEP 3: 

Take the stencil you've made and properly stick it on the shirt with tape.

STEP 4: 

Start painting! Use acrylic paint or fabric paint. I Did my research on both and everyone has said they're both great. I could find fabric paint , so I used acrylic for this one :) 

The method I painted was using Q tips.. I painted in the Center of the letter leaving out the borders for the end , I painted like I was colouring with a pencil colour but gently.


Colour the borders .

I did this by dabbing on the Q tip , and not colouring . I held down the paper on the side I was painting so that no paint would go out of the letter , and I dabbed to make sure I was careful and on the line.


Then I waited till it dried out. About an hour or so.

After I was sure it was dry I carefully moved the paper and voila!

I suggest you just keep it another few hours before wearing it though! 

Get creative and enjoy this DIY :D

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