A Revlon Lip Butter Review
Well i've finally decided to review those babies.
let me just say that they were worth the 6 months wait for them to be launched in my area.
those lip butters come in many many colours. and with every season , new colours are coming out.
honestly as a person who doesn't like wearing lipstick. i thought they were a great alternative!
other than the fact that they really do moisturize your lips, they give a really nice light natural looking colour to your lips that if darkened can really be pulled off as a lipstick.
however; for me i rather keep it as 1 coat because as i said, im not a lipstick fan.
the packaging is ultra cute! and let me not even start with the names.. like "strawberry shortcake"... YUM!
speaking of YUM. they dont quite have a taste or smell to them which i guess is somewhat is a con if you are the type who likes eating your balm?
i wouldn't fully consider those a lip balm though, so for those , who really just want a balm, the revlon lip butters are certainly not going to give you that , as they slightly more or less do have a colour.
a big con however; would be the fact that you have to re-apply them every 2-3hours as they are not long lasting at all! but on the plus , you really can apply them with no mirror , because they're very easy.
in the end i would definitely recommend buying those, although the prices could be cheaper ..
all this being said. revlon, you have a satisfied customer.
ps: i only have 3 because they are always sold out!
(the first 3 pictures are my own , but the others are off the internet just to show you )
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